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Around the Web —10.27.22

The shortage of the immediate-release formulation of amphetamine mixed salts (Adderall or Adderall IR) announced earlier this month by FDA has the potential to lead to withdrawal symptoms and cause people to seek other stimulants as substitutes, according to an article posted yesterday on the Wired website. Counterfeit Adderall pills tainted with fentanyl were reportedly associated with fatal overdoses of 2 students at Ohio State University last spring, the article says, leading to warnings issued by the university and the city of Columbus. Another alternative stimulant, cocaine, has also been found contaminated with fentanyl on the illicit market, leading to 3 broadly reported deaths of New York professionals in Manhattan.

The bellwether National Association of Colleges and Employers survey indicates a robust job market for college seniors next spring despite the possibility of a recession. Chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing was one area planning for less hiring, the Wall Street Journal reports, along with technology and retail.