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Around the Web — 1.23.23

FDA on Friday issued an immediately-in-effect guidance on compounding certain ibuprofen products to improve the supply of ibuprofen oral suspension products amid record high demand. The guidance describes FDA’s regulatory and enforcement priorities regarding the compounding of certain ibuprofen oral suspension products in outsourcing facilities for use in hospitals and health systems.

State laws requiring a physician to be present when abortifacient medications are prescribed are unlikely to be overridden through Congressional action, the Wall Street Journal reports. “A push by the White House and Democratic lawmakers who support abortion rights to renew protections for the procedure is expected to stall in Congress along with Republicans’ efforts to further limit abortion access,” the article states. “That will leave the issue largely determined by states, as the Supreme Court intended when it overturned Roe v. Wade in June and ended the constitutional right to an abortion.”